News & Events


Always in vogue: training at the Kehrer Design Academy. Here you can find out what's new and what events are happening now.

Fall/Winter Semester 2024 - Apply now!

Start your career in the design industry and apply for a training position at the Kehrer Design Academy fashion school in Stuttgart or Mannheim! Apply now for the fall/winter semester 2024 and start your creative training at the end of September 2024!

Firmenbesuch bei Engelbert Strauss

Strauss x Textilwirtschaft – beim Future in Workwear Festival am 8. Juni in der Strauss CI Factory gab es spannende Insights in die Fashion Branche. Wir waren mit Schülerinnen und Schülern vor Ort und durften einen vielseitigen und sehr spannenden Tag bei Engelbert Strauss erleben.


Info-Talk 03.09.2024 Stuttgart

We would like to cordially invite you to our info talk at our Stuttgart design school. Come and find out about our versatile and creative educational opportunities in the areas of fashion + design and graphics + communication. We’ll show you our creative spaces and together we will find the best career path for you!


Info-Talk 05.09.2024 Mannheim

We would like to cordially invite you to our info talk at our Mannheim design school. Come and find out about our versatile and creative educational opportunities in the areas of fashion + design and graphics + communication. We’ll show you our creative spaces and together we will find the best career path for you!

Firmenbesuch bei LIEBESKIND BERLIN im Headquarter in Berlin

As part of the training in the Fashion + Design department, we attach great importance to the practical relevance of the content and focus on the subsequent career steps and direct job entry during the training period. For this reason, we regularly visit well-known brands, companies, agencies and companies with our young designers. We were currently at LIEBESKIND BERLIN at their headquarters in Berlin.

Infofahrt nach Berlin 2024

At the Kehrer Design Academy you will get to know the world of fashion practically. Exciting excursions and information trips complement the practical lessons. Here the young designers get direct insights into the creative industry.

Two in One: Fashion Design and diploma in the custom tailoring trade specialising in womenswear

At the Kehrer Design Academy, your individual support is the top priority. In the creative sector, individualists are in demand anyway. With our range of workshops and various additional programs, through which you can acquire further recognized degrees within your three-year training period, you can make your training unique.

Expert lecture on the topic of artificial intelligence

We offer training that is up to date. We regularly expand the training offering with targeted lectures from experts in areas that are important to our young designers. With Ms. Deborah Mateja from the University of Mannheim, we had an expert on artificial intelligence as a guest at our Mannheim fashion school Kehrer Design Academy.


We will get you ready for your entry into the creative industry. For this reason, regular visits to well-known companies in the fashion industry are part of our training program for our young designers. On November 15, 2023 we were able to visit the S.OLIVER GROUP at their headquarters in Rottendorf.

Guest lecture by Anne Häfner from Modekarriere

The Kehrer Design Academy combines the world of creativity with the demands of the working world and offers diverse, very extensive and wide-ranging training concepts and thus serves as a springboard for entry into the creative industry. In addition to the content and concepts aimed at industry and the creative sector, regular and numerous excursions, projects and lectures round off the training offering and underline the high level of practical relevance.

Workshop by Anne Häfner from Modekarriere

We had Anne Häfner, an expert on the subject of creative applications, as a guest at our Stuttgart fashion school Kehrer Design Academy. She was herself a student at the Kehrer Design Academy and founded the well-known platform MODEKARRIERE.COM.

Visit at Breuninger

The fashion and lifestyle company Breuninger is now one of the leading multichannel department stores in Europe. With today 13 stores and an online shop in the premium and luxury segment represented in 10 countries, the Breuninger company delights customers. In addition to an exclusive shopping experience, the Breuninger company also offers numerous interesting entry opportunities and job opportunities for young designers.

Concept presentation of new projects

At the Kehrer Design Academy, young designers receive a broad range of preparation for the creative industry. Creativity is one of the most important things in the fashion industry because it thrives on constant innovation and constantly changing trends. In the subject “Experimental Design,” our students always dare to do something new! They experiment with materials, shapes and proportions and dedicate their own fashion, design, art or architecture projects.

Fashion show in Mannheim

The adventure weekend of the Mannheim-City advertising association and the city of Mannheim on July 15th and July 16, 2023 had music and fashion as the theme and attracted a lot of visitors to Mannheim city center. Our Mannheim fashion school Kehrer Design Academy is located directly on the planks in the ÖVA Passage and therefore in the pedestrian zone in the heart of Mannheim.

Fashion Show at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart

The long night of the museums in Stuttgart on Saturday, March 25, 2023 was a complete success! On this evening, more than sixty museums, galleries and other exciting cultural venues presented the artistic and cultural diversity of the state capital Stuttgart! There was an extensive and varied offer with exhibitions, guided tours, insights behind otherwise closed doors and a very large supporting program. Those interested in culture and art got their money's worth.

Fashion Show im Rathaus Stuttgart bei der langen Nacht der Museen

The long night of the museums in Stuttgart on Saturday, March 25, 2023 was a complete success! On this evening, more than sixty museums, galleries and other exciting cultural venues presented the artistic and cultural diversity of the state capital Stuttgart! There was an extensive and varied offer with exhibitions, guided tours, insights behind otherwise closed doors and a very large supporting program. Those interested in culture and art got their money's worth.

Besuch der Munich Fabric Start

Eine Idee ist nur so gut, wie sie in der Praxis auch umsetzbar ist. Darum schulen wir neben Deinen kreativen Fähigkeiten auch Deine handwerklichen und technischen Kenntnisse. Im Rahmen einer Ausbildung zum/r staatlich anerkannte/n Modedesigner/in lernst du an der Modeschule Kehrer Design Academy deine Ideen auch wirklich zu realisieren. Wir bringen Dir industrielle Fertigungs- und Verarbeitungstechniken bei, so dass Du Kollektionen jederzeit material- und modellgerecht umsetzen kannst.

Infofahrt Berlin 2023

An der Modeschule Kehrer Design Academy werden die Jungdesigner/innen sehr praxisbezogen gefördert und ausgebildet. Praktischer und praxisnaher Unterricht wird durch regelmäßige spannende Exkursionen und Infofahrten ergänzt. Hier bekommen die Jungdesigner/innen direkte Einblicke in die Kreativbranche.

Digital 3D Fashion Design

Mit einer Ausbildung an der Modeschule Kehrer Design Academy machen wir Dich fit für Deine Zukunft in der Kreativbranche. Unsere Ausbildungsinhalte orientieren sich stets an den Anforderungen der Branche und des globalen Marktes. Die Digitalisierung hat längst auch Einzug in die Modebranche gehalten. Digitales Arbeiten mit Programmen wie Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator oder Adobe InDesign ist längst Standard geworden. Es werden mittlerweile auch Digitale 3D-Entwurfsprozesse immer relevanter für zukünftige Designer/innen.

Besichtigung HOLY AG

Wir wurden von der HOLY AG nach Metzingen eingeladen. Schüler aus dem Abschlusssemester erhielten spannende Einblicke zum Thema E-Commerce.

Exkursion Staatsgalerie Stuttgart

An der Modeschule Kehrer Design Academy schulen wir intensiv die künstlerischen Fähigkeiten unserer Jungdesigner. Der Künstlerische Fachbereich unseres kreativen Ausbildungskonzeptes zum/r Modedesigner/in wird ergänzt durch regelmäßige Exkursionen in Museen, Galerien oder Ausstellungen.

Infofahrt Berlin 2022

An der Modeschule Kehrer Design Academy genießt der Praxisbezug der Ausbildung einen sehr hohen Stellenwert. Wir machen unsere Schüler fit für den Einstieg in der Kreativbranche! Dementsprechend runden spannende Exkursionen und Infofahrten das vielfältige Ausbildungsangebot ab.

Großes Jubiläum: 40 Jahre Modeschule Kehrer

In diesem Jahr feiert die Modeschule Kehrer bereits ihr 40jähriges Schuljubiläum. Am 19. Oktober 1981 hat unsere Schulleiterin Brigitte Kehrer ihre längst auch weit über die Grenzen Deutschlands hinaus bekannte Talentschmiede für Modedesigner/innen in Nürtingen gegründet und ihre ersten Schüler begrüßt. Mit der Gründung und Leitung einer eigenen Modeschule hat sie sich zugleich einen Lebenstraum verwirklicht.

Practical workshop with HEAD

As part of the current practical project of our final year with HEAD Tennis, there was an exciting workshop with representatives from the HEAD design team at the Kehrer Design Academy, our fashion school in Stuttgart.

Let's move: Moving in Mannheim

The Kehrer Design Academy fashion school in Mannheim is moving to a new location! The autumn/winter semester 2021 will be held at the new campus.

Practical project with HEAD Tennis

In the final year of our creative design education in Fashion + Design, our students regularly work on exciting practical projects with well-known companies and partners from the creative sector or from industry.

Oliver Hut wins HEAD’s Graphic Design Contest

Oliver Hut was the person to wow the jury the most with the design he submitted. His design will now be brought to life and will be seen on race tracks worldwide from the 2022/23 winter sports season. In addition to this, Oliver also received the corresponding prize money and an invitation to HEAD’s head office in Austria.