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The long night of the museums in Stuttgart on Saturday, March 25, 2023 was a complete success! On this evening, more than sixty museums, galleries and other exciting cultural venues presented the artistic and cultural diversity of the state capital Stuttgart! There was an extensive and varied offer with exhibitions, guided tours, insights behind otherwise closed doors and a very large supporting program. Those interested in culture and art got their money's worth.
The fashion school Kehrer Design Academy was also there and showed a small insight into current final collections and projects with pupils in the context of several fashion shows.
The fashion show took place five times in the foyer of Stuttgart City Hall. In addition to an insight into models from the final collection on the subject of "Urban Heroes", there was another artistic highlight all in red with models from the "Experimental Design" department. As a highlight, in addition to the foyer, the well-known paternoster became a catwalk!
Our young designers owed the professional look to make-up artist Timo Wingert from beautimo (Instagram: beautimo_makeup).
The town hall had over 7,000 guests throughout the evening and was therefore very well attended. It was a great evening, with many enthusiastic spectators and great applause.
The fashion school Kehrer Design Academy would like to thank the city of Stuttgart for the invitation and the very good support.
Für die gesamte sehr erfreuliche Kooperation und Einladung, auch der Eltern/Freunde unserer Jungdesigner*innen, danken wir stellvertretend für den Vorstand der Freunde der Staatsgalerie sehr herzlich Herrn Markus Benz. Ebenso herzlich danken wir Frau Friederike Dammer sowie Frau Dagmar Kubik vom Organisationsteam des Freundeskreises, mit denen wir die gesamte organisatorische Umsetzung vor Ort gestaltet haben.
Für die eindrucksvolle Choreographie danken wir unserem Dozenten und Modedesigner Tobias Siewert. Für das professionelle Hair Styling danken wir Salvatore Ciminnisi / Friseur Pierrot aus Stuttgart-Sillenbuch.
Für die interne Koordination und professionelle Fotodokumentation danken wir unserem Art Direktor & Dozenten, Künstler und Graphik-Designer Hans G. Lang.
Zudem herzlichen Dank an unser professionelles Filmteam der HAWKINS & CROSS Media GmbH für die weitere Dokumentation des beeindruckenden Abends.
Ebenso herzlichen Dank an das profesionelle Technikteam der Staatsgalerie.
Die Modeschule Kehrer ist dem Freundeskreis "Freunde der Staatsgalerie Stuttgart e.V." beigetreten.
Weitere Informationen der "Freunde der Staatsgalerie Stuttgart e.V.": https://www.freunde-der-staatsgalerie.de/freunde/artikel/members-night.html